Sempre utilizar duas vezes a palavra chave (tag) learning experience no texto. Changes Saved! Patience you must have while we take a minute to update your kit. Feel the force… and use your kit. Um parágrafo explicativo. Changes Saved! Patience you must have while we take a minute to update your kit. Feel the force… and use your kit. Changes Saved! Patience you must have while we take a minute to update your kit. Feel the force… and use your kit. Changes Saved! Patience you must have while we take a minute to update your kit. Feel the force… and use your kit.
Project Details
- TAG Trend Research
- TYPE media coverage
- YEAR 2016
- CLIENT Unibanco Institute | Educadigital Institute
- RESULTS Documentation in video of the biggest hackathon in Public High Schools had happened in Brazil which occurred in the four of five Brazilian regions.
Project attributes
- Trend Research
- Cultural Research
- Interviews
- Video production